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单词 reading book 例句大全,用单词reading book造句:

Read and turn the book page by page. Return book to original place after reading.
The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.
You and a friend are reading a book and are talking about the amazing things in it.
你和你的一个朋友在读一本书, 在讨论书中令人惊讶的事。
He put the book away from eyes, look at me, not I, then continued reading his book.
a week to the northern city of reading a book, enhance their reading comprehension.
The tragic colour in the book of history as seen from reading biography of General Li
First he read all the newspapers, and then he amused himself by reading his bank book.
Still, given his choice of reading matter, he was happy to have a classic book to read.
Book sorting and cataloguing is the central affairs of the reading service in a library.
Buying book, reading book, writing book, book is their durable fashion clothes and cosmetic.
I fell asleep read a dull book, and I dream that I am reading on, so I awake from sheer boredom.
The author of this book review tries to comprehend every point, sharing its value after reading.
本文作者经过仔细研读, 试解读其中受益之处, 谨供读者参考。
Acoustic sound of loud reading the book, to a sudden halt, laughing Yin Yin, the moment has passed.
This book is so well worth reading that it should be begged, stolen or borrowed rather than missed.
I like English, And my hobby is playing piano reading book, playing basketball and listening music.
我喜爱英语, 我的兴趣爱好是弹钢琴, 投篮和听音乐。
Reading the book is a oneway street. Lectures, if you are engaged and attentive, are a two way street.
To open a book is always beneficial. Reading can help us to accumulate our knowledge and enrich our life.
When reading the book, we should keep at least a 25cm distance from the book in order to protect our eyes.
Warren was oblivious to the yelling and fighting in the apartment next door, and continued reading his book.
沃伦对公寓内邻居的叫喊与吵闹浑然不觉, 继续读他的书。
This book explains the profound in simple language, easy to understand, is each accurate mother's good reading material.
The way of reading a book which I follow has three points: reading a book is good, be keen on reading, read a good book.
I love reading, because reading a good book allows us to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, to tell right from wrong.
We need to discard the dross and keep the essential parts of a book, and to draw inferences by analogy when we are reading it.
我们阅读文章要去芜存菁, 举一反三。
I hope everyone can acquaint themselves with Beijing's culture after reading the book,"A Survey of Hutongs in Beijing".
And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates
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