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单词 reading desk 例句大全,用单词reading desk造句:

She is reading at her desk.
The student sat at desk reading a book.
He his pen on the desk and began reading.
He had his feet up on desk, and was reading a novel.
Yule sat behind a desk, reading The Wall Street Journal.
He still bent over his desk reading in the dead of night.
The guests came in, but she remained sitting at the desk reading.
客人们都来了, 但她还坐在写字台旁读书。
The papers she was meant to be reading piled up untouched on her desk.
Each compartment has two cushioned bunk beds and a desk with a reading lamp on it.
Reference books, stationery, and reading lamp are all arranged properly on the desk.
书桌上排放着台灯, 文具和工具书。
To the company, pushing the door to see Xia Yu sitting on desk reading the information.
来到公司, 推门就看见夏雨坐在办公桌前翻阅着资料。
Instead I find a single policeman sitting behind a reception desk, feet up on the table, reading a newspaper.
然而我发现有位警察独自坐在接待处, 站在桌子旁读报纸。
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单词 reading desk 释义

  • 单词释义:斜面书桌,读经台  [更多..]



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