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单词 capita 例句大全,用单词capita造句:

a supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital
含基座, 柱头和柱身, 起支撑作用的柱子
A supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft, and a capital.
支柱含基座, 柱头和柱身, 起支撑作用的柱子
A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital.
Today, as increasing numbers of disaffected Bangkok residents abandon the chaotic capital for the relative serenity of the north, the country's second-largest city is enjoying a mini renaissance.
The capitain captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon abandon ship about an hour later.
The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.
首都弃守, 敌人逼近, 洁白的雪地上导出是斑斑血迹。
Mr. Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.
The capital was abandoned. The enemy was advancing. The snow was stained with blood.
But most of the capitalist countries were abandoning the gold standard at that time.
Stigma capitate. Fruit fleshy follicles, dehiscent along abaxial suture.
柱头头状果肉质的蓇葖果, 沿着背面的缝开裂。
When democracy by capital abduct later, the power that people can use is less and less.
From Ivory Coast's commercial capital Abidjan, John James reports.
The sudden upsurge in violence last weekend in Abidjan, the commercial capital, has died down again.
在商业首都阿比让, 上周突发的暴力案件已再次沉寂。
Accumulates capital asserts strategically and has the ability of Financing
逐步购置固定资产, 具备一定得融资能力
The inflation tax has a fantastic ability to simply consume capital.
Capitalisms ability to take things downmarket also has its limits.
He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans.
Is the circular economy able to rebuild natural capital?
You commonly put adverbials of address, abode, and time afterwards the capital verb.
I urge the Government of Iraq to abolish capital punishment and implement a moratorium on death sentences.
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty
恢复暂缓死刑令, 并遵守逐步废除死刑的承诺
To reinstitute the death penalty review does not mean we will abolish capital punishment.
But in the past two centuries, the debate on the existence or abolish of the Capital punishment has been outspread in the academy of criminal law.
但近两个世纪, 死刑存废的论争在全世界刑法学界展开。
Capital punishment was abolished in a few countries.
Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.

单词 capita 释义

  • 单词释义:头,首( caput的名词复数 );(caput的复数)  [更多..]



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