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单词 Done 例句大全,用单词Done造句:

Aah look where we are, Weve done what they thought we couldnt
A drawing is a picture done with a pencil, a pen or crayons.
a painting done in a range of tones of a single color
Evolution prediction of the abandoned Yellow River Submerged Delta under wave and current
In order to speed up the process of vegetation restoration in the abandoned quarry, artificial measures should be taken.
She is firstly seduced, then abandoned and finally driven to murder for which she is hanged.
她刚一开始就被强暴, 接着又被遗弃最后因为杀人而被处死。
The rice husk ash abandoned by the factory after burnt was used to prepare sodium silicate after reacted with alkali liquor.
No one made his appearance thereafter on that roof; and the idea of spying on the barricade was abandoned.
The abandoned channel micro facies of fluvial reservoir blocks the fluid in the lateral.
河流相储层得废弃河道微相, 在侧向上对流体起隔挡作用。
The incidence of the disease has dropped sharply since the practice of cannibalism has been abandoned.
但自从同类相食的行为被抛弃后, 这种病的发生率锐减。
There were these two guys out hiking when they came upon an old, abandoned mine shaft.
Zhou due to leg disability, since childhood has been abandoned by their parents and rely on goodhearted people grew up in relief.
周济由于腿残疾, 从小被父母抛弃, 靠好心人救济长大。
Among the benefits of family planning services are decreasing maternal mortality and decreasing of abandoned children.
The rain drops came down, in despair, like abandoned by the gods, landed onground any prepare.
雨水落下来, 绝望的, 像是被上帝遗弃了, 毫无准备地洒在地上。
If you meet. My secluded Ge field winding mood. Jasper ryanghwa. I abandoned people to pity.
They have now abandoned their former policy, which is tantamount to admitting that it was wrong.
He had abandoned wish of saving him, and was no longer disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture.
他不再想挽救他, 不打算再拦阻对他施用更严酷的刑罚了。
Relevant Saudi governmental agencies endeavour to find custodial families for orphaned and abandoned children.
The inflexible approach of the time of planned economy, which was controlling, blocking and suppressing, should have been abandoned already.
Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning, have added a kind of tender feeling for the film.
The plan is for the old, abandoned Beichuan be turned into a memorial site and attraction.
She'd abandoned music and graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in business administration.
当时她已经放弃音乐梦想, 并从休士顿大学的企管系毕业了。
Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. We had to rewire the building, replumb it.
Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry.
If the applicant does not go through the formalities of registration within the time limit,he or it shall be deemed to have abandoned its or his right to obtain the patent right.

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