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单词 her 例句大全,用单词her造句:

Her acute observations, her concern for precise details and her interest in nature are pervasive.
她对自然的观察敏锐, 描写细致, 兴趣丰饶。
Let her remove the adulterous look from her face and the unfaithfulness from between her breasts.
She had planned to bake her husband a strudel, give her dog a bath, and water her African violets.
她本打算为丈夫烤果陷酥饼 为狗狗洗澡 为非洲紫罗兰浇水。
Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother?
She determined in her heart to ask her mothers permission to present her white shawl to her friend
她私下决定求她妈妈允许, 送她朋友一条白色披肩。
She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.
她吸了口气又躺了下来, 他的手保护性的放在腹部。
Her mother shut her in her room, and did not allow her to come out until she admitted her mistakes.
妈妈罚她闭门思过, 想明白了才能出门。
Her class were studying history, and her teacher, Miss Scatcherd, appeared constantly annoyed by her.
她们班在学历史, 她的老师斯盖查德? ? 似乎总是被她惹恼。
Her motherinlaw advised her to abort the child and fix her own health before trying to conceive again.
她的婆婆让她先打掉孩子, 治好病再怀孕。
Tyrion seized her by the wrist, pulled her to her feet, and threw a fistful of clothing into her face.
None of everythings deceives her ugg short ambition only her meddlesome, he will definitely acquaint her
一切都不瞒她, 只要她想知道的, 他一定会告诉她
Maggie was curled into a little heap, with her thumb in her mouth and her ragdecorated hair all around her.
While dueling Veila, Ben appealed to her to break off her attack, hoping to return her to the light side.
from the floor with her hands, arching her back, trying to turn around and break Nancys grip on her hair.
His first object with her, he acknowledged, had been to persuade her to quit her present disgraceful situation.
据他说, 他第一件事就劝她改邪归正。
Her head ached where the surgeon had opened it to get at the tumor that had made her face sag and her speech slur.
Now it was not long afterwards that the eagle did actually receive her punishment for her crime against her friend.
Sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
坐在她后面一排, 告诉她你多爱她, 然后弯下腰吻她
She covered her mouth with her hand, another wave of chills flowing over her as her knees literally knocked together.
She once told her daughter in a dream that her feet were cold, so her daughter sent her a pair of shoes by burning them.
她曾托梦给她女儿说她的脚很冷, 女儿就烧了一双鞋子给她。
'Mrs. ' was a courtesy title adopted by Philomena D'Souza when her boyfriend deserted her just prior to her baby's birth.
Not one of her students felt any animosity or ill feelings toward her. Everyone in her class felt like it was their own home.
在她的课堂里, 每个人都感到像是在自己家里一样。
Her latest solo album has made her famous in the world of popular music. Her latest solo album has made her a big name in the circle of popular music.
After a slow saunter onstage, gazing at her highheeled shoes, she would suddenly straighten her back, flex her muscles, throw back her head and let loose an incandescent smile.
她在舞台上缓步片刻, 给自己的高跟鞋一个注目礼。
He spoke almost poetically about physics and music with her, called her his Dolly and fathered her illegitimate child a sickly girl who may have died in infancy or been given up for adoption.

单词 her 释义

  • 单词释义:(she的宾格)她;(she的所有格)她的;她,指某个国家,(一艘)船  [更多..]



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