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单词 her 例句大全,用单词her造句:

Her baby died and, to add to her misery, her husband deserted her.
她的小孩儿死了, 而雪上加霜的是, 她丈夫又抛弃了她。
His arm caught her, lashing around her waist and holding her still.
If he found her there, he would kill her, rape her, or enslave her.
Her mother surveyed her admiringly, conscious of her imperious mood.
Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.
His arm caught her,lashing around her waist and holding her still.
She stretches her arms, and Jack stands behind her, arms around her.
她张开双臂, 杰克靠在她后面, 搂着她。
Order for her at dinner, walk ahead of her and open the door for her.
她在晚宴上, 令她走之前, 她并打开大门。
She placed her briefcase her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
她把公文包放在膝盖上, 把拐杖靠在她腿旁。
He admired her high spirits, her jollity, and her very unusual beauty.
Caress her body, kiss her and touch her, and remember the rest of her.
She was carrying a book under her arm, ie between her arm and her body.
She placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
她把公文包放在膝盖上, 手杖靠在腿上。
Although we gave her advise about her work, but she kept her own counsel.
Into her nineties, her thinking remained acute and her character forceful.
Her anger had made the blue veins in her neck show through her white skin.
In her eyes was shown her anxiety about her daughter who is living overseas.
Then she settle in,her briefcase her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
It was her mother who confided her to me I can only resign her to her mother.
她妈把她托付给我, 我只能把她交还给她的妈。
Her anxiety about the world was amplifying her personal fears about her future.
Her hips must be centered, her feet spaced apart just right, her back straight.
她的臀部必须置中, 两腿间的距离要对, 背部要挺直。
Mom negotiated her wide body through the tables, wiping her hands on her apron.
You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.
你吃着她的食物, 享受着她的款待, 然后还在背地里指责她。
It was a blow to her ego when her boss yelled at her in front of her colleagues.
During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.

单词 her 释义

  • 单词释义:(she的宾格)她;(she的所有格)她的;她,指某个国家,(一艘)船  [更多..]



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