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单词 afraid 例句大全,用单词afraid造句:

She was afraid to go home because she was afraid of her stepmother.
因为害怕继母, 她害怕回家。
I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step.
我并不害怕接受挑战, 我并不害怕迈出这一步。
I am afraid I shall not be able to bear the fatigue of a long journey.
Jane's mom is afraid that Jane can not get accustomed to the new life.
Something that I always been afraid to do but always hoped to achieve!
东西我一直不敢做, 但一直希望能实现!
It's very healthy to be afraid when there's something to be afraid of.
My cousin is afraid of everything; he is even afraid of his own shadow.
I am almost afraid to use a translator because it is not always accurate.
I was afraid of that pawnshop's big red door, afraid of its high counter.
我怕当铺的那个大红门, 那个大高长柜台。
Im afraid that the new plan will have to go into abeyance until next year.
We afraid to lose money, afraid we all make money not only earn their own.
不怕大家一起亏钱, 只怕大家都赚钱只有自己没赚到。
But I would be afraid, afraid you do not words, afraid of you not to show.
只是我会害怕, 害怕你的不言语, 害怕你的不表现。
They abhor me, and flee far from me, and are not afraid to spit in my face.
The more afraid we are, the more vulnerable we are, the more afraid we are.
Don't be afraid to abbreviate, to cut a paragraph here, to shorten one there.
别怕删节, 不必顾虑这儿删去一段, 那儿简缩一段。
Mr. Black was afraid to climb tree for he was afraid of falling down from it.
I'm afraid it's beyond my ability to help you, so you'd better turn to others.
恐怕我帮不了你的忙, 你得另找别人。
This guy is too stubborn – I'm afraid I won't be able to talk him out of it.
I am afraid, I am afraid the moment she received it will change all the world.
Shenzhen to recruit civil servants, I am afraid that college is not acceptable.
深圳要招考公务员, 恐怕大专是不行的。
I am afraid your credit references were not accepted by our Accounting Section.
Here is Shere Khan, the tiger.The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid.
Never afraid of thieves with tools, but afraid that they understand technology.
不怕偷儿带工具, 就怕偷儿懂科技!
Have you found everything you want I am afraid it is rather rough accommodation.
你找到了想要找的各种东西啦 恐怕那些用具都很粗糙。
In a contest, your opponent is afraid of you just as you are also afraid of him.
在比赛中, 你的对手害怕你就象你也害怕他一样。

单词 afraid 释义

  • 单词释义:害怕的;担心的;顾忌的  [更多..]



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