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单词 for always 例句大全,用单词for always造句:

Admiration for the drawings of Watteau has always been equal to that of his paintings.
People come always the knowledge for machine for is hard bang bang, do not be furious.
I always say that the final goal for the referee is to be accepted even when he is wrong.
我总是说, 裁判的最终目标是即使犯错误也会被接受。
The director the play benched the lead actress because she was always late for rehearsals.
这出戏得导演把女主角撤换掉, 因为她排演时总是迟到。
The director of the play benched the lead actress because she was always late for rehearsals.
Universities always have many kinds of graduate schools, for convenience of academic research.
You are impulsive, risktaking and always looking for adventure that frightens the cautious Goat.
Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found.
For me, I always wanted to highlight what makes me different and accentuate my personal differences.
It must always accompany the horse when traveling and be available for inspection whenever required.
当马匹出外时须随时携带此文件, 以备随时的检验需要。
The general always gets credit for his army's victory; the agreement was a triumph for common sense.
For a certain volume of air pressure is always better than dew point for atmospheric dew point high.
I always found her company unendurable. She could rattle on for hours about absolutely nothing at all.
我觉得跟她在一起真够受, 她会没话找话唠叨个大半天。
Finding for which additional evaluation is needed. This is almost always used in a screening situation.
In academia, there are always some scholartyrants who dont have a proper attitude for academic research.
学术界总是有许多学阀, 没有科学的态度。
For instructors, sense of fulfillment and achievement can always be obtained in the process of teaching.
In academia, there are always some scholar-tyrants who don't have a proper attitude for academic research.
She wanted very much to express her admiration for the company commander, but was always too shy to speak it out.
It would seem to be always the same question, for, it is always followed by a press of people towards the third cart.
问题似乎总是相同, 因为问过之后, 人们总往第三辆囚车挤去。
Each previous retreat, I always wanted something for myself but I had not tried offering myself for the benefit of others.
每次参加打禅, 总是想自己要些什么, 却不曾试著为大众奉献。
Transferring files and settings is not always for the faint of heart, but it is achievable in a reasonable amount of time.
Commensurate with the additional risk, interest rates for seller paper are almost always higher than those for traditional loans.
与额外险相称, 卖方票据几乎总是比传统的贷款高。
For example, some persons have an insatiable desire for a life of ease and comfort and are always making their homes bigger, better and more beautiful.
有的人追求舒适生活, 房子越住越宽敞, 越漂亮, 越高级。
No matter how difficult the process is, we in China always adhere to the position of working for peace and facilitating talks in an objective and impartial way.
Gwen was a wild, wilful lassie and one who had always been accustomed to having her own way. then one day she met with a terrible accident which crippled her for life.
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