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单词 development planning 例句大全,用单词development planning造句:

The population and family planning work will also enter an important period of development.
To strengthen planning and management, and regulate real estate development and construction.
Unified exploration planning and development fruits for pengshan glauberite deposits in sichuan
Therefore the development of real estate development project planning is the key to real estate.
Discussion on Harbour Basin Development Direction in the General Layout Planning of Tianjin Port.
It focuses on evaluation planning, the dissemination of lessons learned and capacity development.
Prohibition without planning, unplanned, unorganized blindly development and consolidation of land.
The successful public relations planning contributes to the operation and development of enterprise.
Site should dovetail with the city development planning, the district hopes to find a new population.
一般来说, 要考核商圈及周边1公里范围内的人口密度。
Planning Orientated including Budget allocation execution and profit shoring business Model development.
The prospects for western development are promising, but we need planning, understanding and explanation.
He used to work for Super Brand Mall in Shanghai in charge of development, planning, marketing and leasing.
Well spacing density is a very important index in oilfield development planning and well spacing designing.
When youre planning your learning and development on your own, you dont have to follow such a formal approach.
Additional funding is being provided for the development of family planning and pregnancy counselling services.
Work hard on planning and financing to ensure the smooth development of forestry development by leaps and bounds
The development and utilization of tideland shall be subject to comprehensive planning and strict administration.
The development and utilization of tideland shall be subject to comprehensive planning and strict administration.
第九条海涂得开发利用应当全面规划, 加强管理。
The development and utilization of tideland shall be subject to comprehensive planning and strict administration.
Soil Erosion Impact and Its Control Planning for the Construction of Hydropower Stations in Huma River Development
A new pattern on planning and development of modern gardens and flower nursery garden for Dongguan Forestry Science Garden
He has made a substantial contribution to course planning, student counselling, curriculum development and program marketing.
在课程安排,学生咨询 ,课程建设和推广上有颇多建树。
In recent years, additional funding had been allocated for the development of family planning and pregnancy counselling services.
近年来, 为计划生育和怀孕咨询服务追加了资金。
The planning and general layout of power transmission from west to east and hydropower resources development in the Western Region
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