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单词 development rates 例句大全,用单词development rates造句:

The transpiration rates decreased with the development of pear fruit.
Millennium Development Goal rates for child mortality is fully possible.
儿童死亡率的千年发展目标 是完全有可能实现的。
Wet soils also hinder seed germination rates and development of deeper root systems.
Total Retail Sate of Consumer Goods and Development Rates of Consumer Goods by Year.
Recent statistics indicate that the attrition rates during drug development remain high.
最近的统计数字表明, 损耗率在药物开发仍然很高。
Development Rates of Gross Output Value of Farming, Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Year
High fertility rates, along with inadequate health care, impede development and economic growth.
It is not just a consequence of exchange rates that have failed to keep pace with global economic development.
The development of automatic ammunition handling systems enabled large calibre guns to develop remarkable rates of fire.
The American Institute of Philanthropy rates it among the top American groups for international relief and development work.
The calculation of alongshore silt discharge rates and evolution development of sandspit in the Rongcheng bay, shandong Peninsula
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