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单词 development testing 例句大全,用单词development testing造句:

Development and Improvement of Testing Apparatus for Voltage and Reactive Power Control Device
The development of testing instrument for contact combination logic of universal change switch
Development of dissolution testing study for sustained or controlled release oral dosage forms
The Development of Methods for Testing Awareness State in Subliminal Perceptual Studies and Its Imply
This testing typically starts after the completion of development and functional verification testing.
Even though functional testing is so important, it has a reputation as the ugly stepchild of development.
Work on all development cycle phases, including analysis, design, coding, and testing phase for Bluetooth firmware.
参与项目各环节, 包括方案设计, 代码编写和测试
The article described the development and testing of the dye fixative agent for polyamide fiber fixed with acid dyes.
This type of implementation, referred to as a lone wolf cluster, is supported only for testing and development purposes.
之所以支持这种实现, 只是为了测试和开发目的。
Status and development of instrumented fuel rod testing simulating the power reactor operating conditions in the research reactor MIR
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