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单词 dead one 例句大全,用单词dead one造句:

One of them had been dead and it had been rotten in the center.
其中有一棵已经老死, 树心枯烂成灰。
Nameless One It insults the dead when you treat life carelessly.
One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.
Teoh Beng Hock was found dead after one such questioning process.
a standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire
站立的死树或树桩, 尤指被火烧死的
One characteristic of compact discs we all can hear is dead sound.
A woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried.
Carcass The dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered for food.
Luckily no one was shot dead during the robbery in the bank last evening.
I saw dead people, and one person was sitting there looking extremely pale.
Shouldn't I also accomplish one thing or the other, just before dropping dead
Out of gas was one thing but a dead battery could only complicate the situation.
One thing I can't stand was the neighbor's bog barking in the dead of the night.
The dog went fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots down one side.
During an autopsy, one dead caiman was found to have a large hook in its stomach.
One of the neighbours broke into the house and found the old lady dead in her chair.
Why people knows he is met dead one day eventually, is those who return joy living ?
为什么人们知道自己终有一天会死, 还快乐的活着?
One of the important reasons of male infertility is azoospermia and dead spermatozoa.
Be careful with that bottle. It's cyanide. One swallow and you'be dead as a doornail.
当心那个瓶子, 那是氰化物。只要喝上一口, 就会叫人一命呜呼。
He was a soldier of the old school who believed the only good Frenchman was a dead one.
And then. the police claim to have found one of my fingerprints on the dead man's shirt.
Among the tribal elders was one credited with the power of raising people from the dead.
If I eat even one tiny piece of a nut, my head swells up like a watermelon and I drop dead.
If you do that tomorrow, I'll be dead, you'll be dead, every single one of the men will be dead.
明天你要这么干,我们都死定了 每个人都死定了
Just be satisfied if you can find one that isn't dead, doesn't have too many bald spots and is straight.
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单词 dead one 释义

  • 单词释义:<美俚>已改过自新的罪犯  [更多..]



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