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单词 dead one 例句大全,用单词dead one造句:

This shroud had been completely eaten away at one end, and allowed one of the dead womans feet to protrude.
This shroud had been completely eaten away at one end, and allowed one of the dead woman's feet to protrude.
In his declining years, he was exiled to Bin Zhou by Emperor Song Taizong, and one year later, he was dead there.
在垂暮之年被宋太宗贬往邠州, 一年之后病逝于贬所。
The dead weight force standard machine is one of the most important instruments in force measurement and transfer.
Did you ever hear the one about the spinster found dead in her pink bathrobe, surrounded by golden retriever puppies
英文例句大全为您提供dead one英文例句大全,dead one英文造句,关于dead one的英语句子,单词dead one怎么造句,dead one英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于dead one,英语单词dead one的句子,单词dead one如何造句,dead one怎么造句等。

单词 dead one 释义

  • 单词释义:<美俚>已改过自新的罪犯  [更多..]



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