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单词 get down to 例句大全,用单词get down to造句:

I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
I often get letters that are addressed to my namesake down the street.
President Obama get down to business soon after his arrival in Moscow.
She climbed to the roof of the house and then became afraid to get down.
她爬到房顶后, 害怕下来。
His son, Jack, didn't want to get the cat down because he had acrophobia.
That were abundance efficient, since to get down and reach abundance oil.
那个窍门的效率更高, 因该能挖地更深从而开采到更多石油。
When you get right down to it, appearance is more important than quality.
Yeah, the boys were acting up in the car, I couldn't get them to sit down.
What continues to baffle me is how these things get this far down the path.
The reader is urged not to allow himself to get bogged down in this chapter.
She wrinkled her small upturned nose and wriggled to get down from his arms.
The little cat climbed to the top of the tree and became afraid to get down.
The beaver chews down trees to get foodmaterial with which to build its home.
He did not get angry, but hard and soft eyes down and earnestly advised her to.
At that time, an osprey swims quickly, went to abdomen of its get down readily.
I'm gonna go get a stretcher and get you down to the beach, I'll be right back.
我要去拿担架抬你去滩头, 很快回来。
President Obama will get down the to business after after his arrival in Moscow.
It took a lot of hard bargaining to get the price down to a level I could afford.
The chairman tried to settle the audience down, ie get them to stop talking, etc.
But it comes down, in the end, to how do you get through all the barriers we have.
但归根到底 是需要你去克服所有那些障碍。
The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and alcohol altogether.
减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物, 并彻底戒酒。
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单词 get down to 释义

  • 单词释义:开始认真处理, 对待  [更多..]



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