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单词 get over with 例句大全,用单词get over with造句:

Wulfstan Aye, lets get it over with.
沃尔夫斯坦啊, 让我们来结束这一切吧。
Ah, I'm just ready to get it over with.
You just bite the bullet and get it over with.
Will you guys just kiss already and get it over with?
Hit them over the head with a rock, hope they get amnesia ?
用石头砸他们得脑袋, 希望他们得失忆症?
Let's get it over and done with, and to hell with them,'he ranted.
If you and Cheer Bear get a strike you'll bowl him over with smiles!
As he struggled to get his shirt over his head, he was struck with a brilliant idea.
在他费劲地从头上脱下衬衫的时候, 他突然想到了一个绝招。
They get into an argument with the judge over the relevance of the document to the case.
Thank God. Let's call a meeting of the association and take a vote so we can get this over with.
谢天谢地,那我们就开个委员会 投票选举,赶紧把这事解决了。
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单词 get over with 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>一劳永逸地做完(不愉快但不得不做的事);把…做完了事;get over 当“恢复;克服”的时候  [更多..]



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