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单词 get on for 例句大全,用单词get on for造句:

It will probably get you off the hook for a few days or months or keep the problem on the back burner.
If they deposit these shares in the scheme they will get further buckshee shares on a one-for-one basis.
On a Saturday, he left us after lunch, saying he would go round to that shop to get a cushion for his aunt.
这些垫纸可以用胶纸带, 透明胶带等粘结物粘在台面上。
And you're going to the mountains to ski, you get different accessories put on the car for doing that sort of thing.
若你要去山上滑雪 你要把各种所需器材 放到车上
Running with a low load of fuel meant there was more room for a build-up of petrol in the tank in front of the driver, which in a head-on crash... you get the picture.
Way too many attention whores on facebook these days. We get it, you really need some attention, but do you really have to tag like 50 people in your posts and beg for likes?
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