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单词 get on with 例句大全,用单词get on with造句:

Does she get on with your aunt?
I have never been able to get on with cyril.
Stop playing around and get on with the job.
别胡闹了, 接着做工作吧。
Arthur said he would be able to get on with Mrs.
因为丘姆雷搬走了, 她会感到寂寞。
Stop fooling around and get on with your homework!
You get anything on vehicles with access to the zoo?
Do you have any idea on how to get along with others
Just stop pratting around and get on with your work.
I was able to get on with my work without interruption.
So without further ado, let's get on with tonight's show.
闲言少叙, 我们继续今晚得演出吧。
Stop beefing about your headache and get on with your work!
If you get married, we'll all go with you on your honeymoon, all right
I affiliate myself with their team to get more information on the share market.
Alright then, enough soapboxing from me, let me get a move on with this review.
好吧, 听过了我的唠叨以后, 让我继续这篇评测。
I have to get to the tank with a boat climbing on board to talk to these actors.
do not ride a bike with a beam of men, so as not to get on and off inconvenient.
That said, lets get on with what we know, and delve into the architectures a bit.
这就是说, 让得到的与我们所知道, 并深入架构一点。
Zhao Yun asked her to get into the saddle with Ah Dou and he would protect them on foot.
Maybe with Microsoft adding it in, the other browser makers will finally get on the ball.
也许与微软在增加, 其他浏览器厂商将最终得到的球。
Realizing on the way that he hadn't brought his bag with him, he had to go back to get it.
You are best to get out with friends and avoid anyone who is trying to put the make on you.
你最好多和朋友在一起, 避免其他人有机可乘。
"Get away with you," she said, landing a hard pat on his backside as he turned to go.
Temperatures on the valley floor,with an altitude of approximately 1,600 metres, can get chilly.
Temperatures on the valley floor, with an altitude of approximately 1, 600 metres, can get chilly.
这个谷底得海拔也有约1600米, 人会感到寒冷。
It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.
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单词 get on with 释义

  • 单词释义:继续(干某事);和…友好相处  [更多..]



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