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单词 carried over 例句大全,用单词carried over造句:

Tail is docked and well set on, carried gaily but never over the back.
The principles of antisepsis were carried over into the public hygiene.
He carried it over to the cashier's cage and unbound the cloth wrapping.
The dogs pulled sledge over the ice and the sledge carried the equipment.
Tail set high, plumed and carried in a gay curl over the back when moving.
尾巴位置高, 有大量羽状饰毛, 运动时, 尾巴欢快地卷在背后。
The balance in our account for June includes ¥3000 carried over from July.
The store had some women's bathing suits it had carried over from last year.
That's on top of another $10 million he carried over from him Senate election.
The falcon carried the sword to the palace rooftop it as it flew over a statue.
The tail is medium to long, well feathered, set high and carried over the back.
尾部中长, 带羽状附毛, 向上卷曲于背部。
Some minor matters should be carried over for consideration at the next meeting.
A trough carried over the shoulder for transporting loads, as of bricks or mortar.
The tool carried clamping elements which may be positioned over the uterine artery.
The tail is carried with a slight upward curve but should never curl over the back.
姿势是略微向上弯曲的曲线, 但决不能卷曲到背后。
Tail is thick and powerful and is carried over the back in a sickle or curled position.
粗壮而有力, 以镰刀状或卷曲状卷在背后。
Come minor matters in the agenda will carried over for consideration at the next meeting.
Acts 8 0 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial and made great lamentation over him.
When he added up the figures, he carried over the total into the next year's account book.
That theme, which is driven by his personal narrative, has carried over into the White House.
这一主题, 在他自己的阐述推动下, 已经带进了白宫。
A canopy of fabric carried in church processions or placed over an altar, a throne, or a dais.
The ownership of this DEATH NOTE is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it.
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New culture Movement was carried out all over the country, encouraging many young people to join in.
The iQ's roof and door panels, and even the headlights and side mirrors, are carried over for the Cygnet.
I propose that some minor matters on the agenda should carried over for consideration at the next meeting.
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