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单词 carried party 例句大全,用单词carried party造句:

The cause of the Party and people will be carried forward.
Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.
执政党尽管遭到强烈反对, 还是获胜了。
While there they faithfully carried out the Party's policies.
The Social Demogratic Party carried the country and won the election.
The main escape party carried on all the way to Burma and back to Britain.
在这支逃亡的队伍中, 大部分人一直走到缅甸, 最后回到英国。
Are the ethical and social audits carried out by an independent third party?
Bills of lading are then often issued for the carriage of the various cargoes carried under the charter party.
After September the Party carried out a drastic house cleaning and set strict class qualifications for membership.
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单词 carried party 释义

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