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单词 alarm clocks 例句大全,用单词alarm clocks造句:

What kind of alarm clocks did you have in your mind?
Jimmy likes to fool around with alarm clocks.
It shall not be necessary to have two alarm clocks.
But it definitely does not swallow alarm clocks.
I sometimes set two alarm clocks to prevent myself from getting up late.
Movements, of alarm clocks, complete and assembled, electrically operated.
Sure, most alarm clocks are annoying, but this one is more annoying!
当然, 所有的闹钟在叫醒人时都显得非常的烦人。
The PC Timer , an easy to use countdown timer and alarm clocks.
下载电脑定时器, 一个易于使用的倒计时计时器和闹钟。
I shouldn't have set three alarm clocks at the same time to annoy you the morning.
I think you know already that I want to discuss the representation for your alarm clocks.
I consider you knowinging already those I require to discuss the representation for your alarm clocks.
I think you know already that I want to discuss the representation for youre alarm clocks with you.
Disgusted by their jobs and their boss, Peter and his two friends embezzle money and start sleeping through their alarm clocks.
讨厌老板和工作的皮特和两位朋友贪污公款, 上班迟到。
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单词 alarm clocks 释义

  • 单词释义:闹钟( alarm clock的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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