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单词 treasuries 例句大全,用单词treasuries造句:

On the face of it, a gloomy outlook argues for Treasuries.
表面看来, 暗淡的经济前景有利于国债投资。
Treasuries are used as collateral in trading and are viewed as being as good as cash.
作为交易抵押品, 人们对国债和现金一视同仁。
The temples in Babylonia made loans from their treasuries as early as 2000 bc.
A bearish stance toward Treasuries and a bullish one toward the rest of the bond market represents the consensus view.
Investors rushed into havens, including US Treasuries and German government bonds.
The priceless collections that are put on show in Cathedral treasuries.
Finally, Treasuries are a reflexive choice in a crisis.
最终在一场危机中, 国库扮演着反身抉择的角色。
Then brought all Judah the tithe of the corn and the new wine and the oil unto the treasuries.
犹大众人就把五谷, 新酒, 和油得十分之一送入库房。
The governments at various levels shall strengthen the management of and supervision over the treasuries at the corresponding levels.
Their fellow Levites were in charge of the treasuries of the house of God and the treasuries for the dedicated things.
treasuries for deposit in Switzerland.
Treasuries and gold rose in response but the dollar fell sharply.
To endow those who love me with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.
箴821使爱我的承受货财, 充满他们的府库。
For individual investors, the income of Treasuries is exempt from state and local taxes.
对于个人投资者, 国库证券的收益可免缴州地方税。
By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself andand silver in your treasuries.
你靠自己的智慧聪明得了金银财宝, 收入库中。
Over the king's treasuries was Azmaveth the son of Adiel.

单词 treasuries 释义

  • 单词释义:(政府的)财政部( treasury的名词复数 );国库,金库  [更多..]



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