Love is balmy wind that sooths pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.
爱是芬芳的风, 拂去人生的伤痛和焦虑,
Love is balmy wind that soothes pain and anxiety from the tempests of the life.
Love is balmy wind that soothes pain anxiety from the tempests of the life.
The winds are tempests, and umbrellas are blown inside out across the streets.
风很猛 在街上得伞都吹得东倒西歪得。
Tempests are terrible in this country.
在这些地方, 雷雨是十分可怕的。
I could feel it now flowing from me to her and back to me again, joined everywhere, complete, like the seas, and a harbor against all tempests.
What is the Tempests original function