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单词 fuel rods 例句大全,用单词fuel rods造句:

Mixed oxide fuel rods are partly made of plutonium. These fuel rods are partly exposed.
混合氧化物燃料棒含钚, 这些燃料棒已经部分暴露。
They switched to military fire engines to douse the reactors and the pools of spent fuel rods beside them.
The fuel rods are bundled together in the core of the reactor.
It had not been emitted directly by fuel rods, which would be far more virulent, they said.
它没有被排出的燃料棒, 这将是更致命的直接, 他们说。
Mixedoutsideoxide fuel rods are partly made of plutonium.
Mixedupsideoxide fuel rods are partly made of plutonium.
Fuel rods that were producing fission have cooled substantially since the reactors shut down.
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单词 fuel rods 释义

  • 单词释义:燃料棒( fuel rod的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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