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单词 Tight end 例句大全,用单词Tight end造句:

The tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line.
I always have a tight budget at each end of the semesters.
The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end.
The tight end is used to catch passes but most often to block.
Roll the narrow pointed end up in a tight roll to form the trunk.
Install a flat washer and nut, hand tight, on the end of the bolt.
The police chases that thief by astonishing speed, end tight him finally.
Hold me up, hold me tight. Give me love, make me smile till the end of life
Types of tea are small mountains of cable fat, tight end straight round, color Zewu Run.
Attach the other end of the hose onto the canister. Make sure the hosevalve connections are air tight.
将软管的另一端接到胶水罐上, 确保连接处不漏气。
At the end were acrobatics and dancers who performed swallowing knives, spitting fire, climbing the flag polls, walking on tight ropes.
后随百戏舞队, 吞刀吐火, 缘幢走索
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单词 Tight end 释义

  • 单词释义:(美式足球)边锋;紧经  [更多..]



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