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单词 tightrope walking 例句大全,用单词tightrope walking造句:

a person who performs feats of balance, such as tightrope walking
表演平衡技巧的人, 如走钢丝者
A person who performs feats of balance, such as tightrope walking.
The young acrobat first began to make her mark by walking the tightrope.
My parents and I have been walking on this tightrope for the last decade.
They have magic shows, flying trapeze arts, tightrope walking and even the clowns.
Life is like walking on a tightrope. One should focus one's mind and look forward. Walk ahead and do not look back with empty remorse and anger.
人生如高空走索。应专心一意往前看, 向前走, 不要回头空懊恼。
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