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单词 warranty period 例句大全,用单词warranty period造句:

How long is the warranty period
How long is the warranty period of this microwave oven?
Free warranty period for Products or other parts has expired.
After repair, pumps are warranted for the residual period on the initial warranty.
维修后, 泵得保质期为原始保质期得剩余时期。
Are basically within the warranty period so do not worry about damage to aging appliances.
The right to warranty a claim must be exercised within the validity period of the warranty.
warranty Since the formal acceptance of users, from the date the warranty period is one year.
质保期自用户正式验收合格之日起, 质保期为一年。
Items which are replaced during the warranty period shall become the property of the Contractor.
IF exceed the warranty period, you need to pay for the cost if you want to apply for warranty service.
If any problems occur in the warranty period of a product, the manufacturer will have to take responsibility.
The Warranty Period for the repaired or substitute equipment shall be recalculated upon acceptance by the buyer.
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单词 warranty period 释义

  • 单词释义:保险[保用,保修]期  [更多..]



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