a certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer
A certificate of appointment given to a warrant officer.
a U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer
下士, 美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官
a warrant officer in the U.S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance
A warrant officer in the U.S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance.
Officers, engineers and warrant officer engineers wore white overalls.
军官, 技师和二级准尉机师穿产白色工装裤。
Issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the place.
Whenever possible,a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension.
A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel.
Whenever possible, a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension.
警官在执行逮捕之前, 凡是可能的, 都应事先取得逮捕证。
He may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized officer or police officer to enter such premises.
A magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the premises.
裁判司则可发出令状, 授权获授权人员进入及搜查该楼宇。
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