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单词 welcome with 例句大全,用单词welcome with造句:

It is the beginning of the year, so we should welcome this year's life and work with a new face.
We wholeheartedly welcome the broad masses of and foreign investors to cooperate with us tomorrow.
我们竭诚欢迎广大中外客商携手合作, 共创明天。
We are welcome to variedly cooperation with the group of education and the electronic enterprises.
Dyeing with professional experience and dedication to welcome the kind with the texture! ! !
Welcome a person with breadth of vision to join the company, and jointly create a brilliant career!
Welcome businessmen to consult and sincerely look forward to working with you for your cooperation.
欢迎广大商家来人, 来电咨询, 真诚期待与您的合作。
We warmly welcome all the clients to visit and cooperate with us for creating resplendence together.
We are sincerely to work with all the friends at home and abroad, and cordially welcome to visit us!
We sincerely welcome customers from and abroad to visit and cooperate with and seek mutual magnificence.
竭诚欢迎广大国内外客商前来参观考察, 携手共创美好未来!
We Sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, and also cordially welcome each customer to visit us!
我们真诚期待与您的合作, 亦热忱欢迎您的光临指导!
Welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to cooperate with us, and create the glorious future together.
Wholeheartedly welcome you to patronize and choose, we will create brilliant future together with you!
Welcome to have the strength enterprise, the company. Individual dealer takes charge of with me discusses!
Our genetal manager Tu Shizhang with our whole staff sincerely welcome our customers to cooperate with us!
Welcome everybody to talk about understanding, tell experience, say experience, with benefit communication.
We welcome the reconvening of cabinet meetings with the participation of ministers from the Forces nouvelles.
And of course it goes without saying that you are welcome to come over and play anytime with my granddaughter.
Nevertheless, apparent, contemporary welcome colourful talent is more of the literal meaning that accords with it.
There are places with warm spaces, a new decoration, furniture, household electrical appliances are welcome showings!
有地暖带车位, 装修全新, 家具家电都有欢迎看房!
With respect to national justice systems, we especially welcome Rwanda's decision to formally abolish the death penalty.
The well dressed bride comes in with a fortunate lady of the house to welcome the entourage of the groom in the living room.
由全福妇人引带著新装准新娘出堂, 捧甜茶敬客, 旋即回房。
Sincerely welcome friends and abroad with the establishment and development of our business relationship, sincere cooperation.
热诚欢迎海内外朋友与我们建立和发展业务关系, 精诚合作。
The warm welcome general customers processing with provided samples or comes to discuss the cooperation, communal development.
热情欢迎广大客户来样加工或前来洽谈合作, 共同发展。
Welcome to have the strength company with to discuss auspiciously personally with Our company altogether unfolds the grand plan!
The good faith that we are allotted so far with one hundred thousand is respectful welcome all walks of life friend presence , condescend to inquire about!
至此我们以十万分的诚意恭迎各界朋友光临, 垂询!
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