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单词 welcome with 例句大全,用单词welcome with造句:

The guest arrives at the hotel, bellboy and doorman welcome the guest with smile.
Welcome customers all over the world to cooperate with us to build a safer world.
Come with me, Gwen. Everyone give her, a round of applause, make her feel welcome.
Your comments are welcome, especially those with relevant URL's,or search keywords.
And we welcome immigrants with skill, ambition and the desire to better their lives.
Welcome to agree with this opinion and intend to learn English to recognize my friend!
欢迎认同这个观点得, 并有意想学好英语得朋友认识我!
The enrollment welcome message has been sent to the user associated with this mailbox.
We welcome all our customers to visit and to create brilliant future together with us.
His accident with the microphone bring some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
All the companions all over the world are welcome to have further cooperation with us.
I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.
Medicinal freshwater pearl beads, with two faces light, 30 per pound. Welcome to order!
Welcome all the clients to cooperate with us and create the successful career together.
竭诚欢迎新老客户惠顾, 携手合作, 共创辉煌。
We sincerely welcome home and abroad with our good faith cooperation, a total map plan!
我们热诚欢迎海内外客商与我们诚信合作, 共图大计!
His accident with the microphone brought some welcome comic relief to a very dull party.
You are welcome, and encouraged, to work on the assignment problems with fellow students.
With the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not welcome.
Welcome Chinese and foreign investors to establish cooperative relations with our company!
Each table accommodates 10 people. You are welcome to attend with other alumni and friends.
Welcome to Kunming, the beautiful eternal spring city, in this autumn with a bumper harvest.
We welcome you to contact us for immediate inquiry anytime and look forward to work with you!
我们期待与您的合作, 欢迎随时与我们联系询问。
With the Yankees' offense coming off a sputtering effort, Jeter's bat was a welcome presence.
Sincerely welcome your contact with this company and mutual benefit to create a better future.
Riding morning breeze, the trailing green villus welcome the visitors with its infinite green.
乘着晨风, 蔓绿绒以无限的绿意迎迓游客。
We warmly welcome the vast numbers of new and old customers to continuously cooperate with us.
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单词 welcome with 释义



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