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单词 staying 例句大全,用单词staying造句:

Not as bad as staying here and getting picked apart by you.
It's a compelling argument for staying loaded till you die.
No, I'm afraid not. My mother's only staying for a few days.
恐怕不行, 我母亲在这儿只呆几天。
I was wrong when I said staying alive is as good as it gets.
以前我想只要活着就好, 那是错的。
The cat was staying up in the tree, afraid to come back down.
这只猫悬在树上, 不敢再下来。
Her father came down on her really hard for staying out late.
I will tell you what I saw and heard while staying in America.
Apply for staying and performing, if reaching certain criteria.
凡是达到功效申请留本门表演团队的弟子, 择优录用。
There comes a time when dying seems preferable to staying alive.
Well, I am sorry, but there's no way in hell she's staying here.
Will the applicant be staying with you for the duration of stay.
You re staying with that punk for his 500 million won aren t you
Staying indoors all day will make you feel absolutely suffocated.
Can you mediate or do self adjustment while staying in a hospital?
A good way to become more attentive is to practice staying silent.
The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo.
She says of course they are very anxious about staying here too long.
她说, 大家当然担心在这里待的时间太长。
Even the King of the Jungle needs a hand staying alive on his own turf.
The applicant must be staying in Hong Kong legally application is made.
在提出申请时, 申请人必须身在香港并且是合法逗留。
Ariadne Oliver, who was staying down here and was present at the party.
But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character.
而能保持快乐却是一项成就, 也是心灵与品德上得胜利。
But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character.
而能保持快乐却是一项成就, 也是心灵与品德上的胜利。
I left at noon, not staying to hear commencement address by John Buchan.
我中午即离去, 没有留下听约翰。布坎在毕业典礼上的演说。
The mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him.
You'll have to watch your p's and q's while your aunt is staying with us.
你姑姑和我们在一起时, 你的言谈举止要小心。

单词 staying 释义



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