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单词 stay on 例句大全,用单词stay on造句:

Research on the impact of health insurance payment on average length of stay.
When you participate in chat rooms, don't interrupt others and stay on topic.
当你参与聊天时, 不要打断其它人的话并且不要岔开话题。
I would stay on the islands and drink coconut milk while polishing my novels.
But Congress and the White Housea notoriously fickle bunchmust stay on board.
At Gawker, it is not uncommon for editors to stay on the job for just a year.
在高科, 编辑仅仅在职一年是很常见的。
The Airmen got to stay on the set and watch the filming for a couple of hours.
Leather chaps stick to a leather saddle better and thus help the rider stay on.
Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne have agreed to let me stay and help out on the farm.
Clearly, the best option is to negotiate with your employer to stay on one shift.
If food is tackled with chopsticks, much of the evil sauces will stay on the plate.
如果用筷子夹起食物, 许多有害的酱汁都留在了盘子上。
He had to stay at home but turned it to his advantage by catching up on his reading.
Compose builds study society to cannot stay on the discussion of emancipatory thought.
But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.
It was the desire to stay on perfectly safe ground which I presume was dominating him.
Both of us agree that it would be very hard to stay sane on this show without the other.
我俩都觉得这节目里要是没有对方, 就难说是完整的。
Six fellows were to stay on board, and remaining thirteen, including Silver, began to embark.
六个人留在大船上, 其余的十三个, 包括西尔弗, 开始上划子。
There is warmth and love everywhere on this planet. May the joys of love always stay in everyone!
By making the effort to stay on top of the little things, you can keep the vexation to a minimum.
In Xenopsylla cheopis, the time for flea to stay on live host evidently longer than on dead host.
Stay on top of absenteeism and institute programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked.
One way to make sure you stay focused on what you desire to achieve is to have a plan of action in place.
Going back to basics will hopefully enable them to stay on track in the task of financial sector development.
But select the paper which is appropriate for the humid areas and could stay on the wall for a period of time.
Like the bronco riders, kids competed to see who could hang on for dear life and stay on the animal the longest.
In one of the greatest games of all time, Bobby Fischer delayed castling until mid-game to stay on the offensive.
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