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单词 stay on 例句大全,用单词stay on造句:

I say we absolutely are irresponsible if we stay silent on this.
Upper limit added on how long units stay in loose formation for.
Don't allow the lights to stay on after people leave the office.
Normally, corrosion products stay on the surface and protect it.
一般腐蚀产物会停留在金属表面, 并加以保护。
He was very sick and had to stay on a liquid diet for three days.
Why not stay on campus, relax a little, and earn some extra money?
Indeed, we are determined to stay on course for the 21 st Century.
After they beat him up for four days he announced he would stay on.
President Bush and his family will stay on a private luxury vessel.
据悉, 布什总统和他的家人就将住在一艘私人豪华游艇上。
Why not stay on campus, relax a little, and earn some extra money ?
干嘛呆在校园里, 轻松自在, 赚一些小钱?
During their stay on Earth the Cosmic Maya carried the burden of time.
Please go on being courageous, go on being smart, and please stay safe.
Stay on top of new ingredients and new product technologies applicable.
This will compel both scientists and governments to stay on their toes.
My little Ariel, can you stay on the ship with me You will a great time!
我的小艾丽儿,你能和我一起留在船上吗 你将会过的很愉快!
David was asked to stay on at the hospital after his period of training.
Three days later the men staggered out, barely able to stay on their feet.
三天后这几个男人腿发软的蹒跚着走了出来, 几乎抬不动脚。
Mr Blair will stay on for seven weeks until a new Labour leader is chosen.
Braces stay on teeth for about two years, but the results last a lifetime.
牙套在牙齿上停留约两年, 效果却可以持续一辈子。
This kind of negative thinking is why people don't stay on diets for long.
The younger brother decided to stay on in the temple and become a monk too.
In the entertainment field, there are few who can stay on top indefinitely.
在娱乐界, 很少有人能无限期地红下去。
The white leader now uses her prusik to stay on a snug belay with her team,.
Whatever the competition, his brother has always found a way to stay on top.
I live on a half acre lot so now that summer is about here, I stay very busy.
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