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单词 stay at 例句大全,用单词stay at造句:

He said I had caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for several days.
他说我患了重感冒, 必须休息几天。
Stay at ease under all circumstances ,and give whenever conditions allow .
The dusk witnessed his long stay at the altar in face of that copper bell.
I will stay at the San Jose State University to attend a Training Program.
在美期间, 我们将在圣荷西州立大学参加培训。
He likes to stay at home with a plate of spaghetti and a mug of root beer.
Yesterday afternoon I had to stay at home to look after my younger brother.
Shall the rhinoceros be willing to serve thee, or will he stay at thy crib?
A stay at Doggie Day Camp without the overnight goes for 20 dollars the day.
Last April, I went for a short stay at the Conghua Warm Springs in Guangdong.
今年四月, 我到广东从化温泉小住了几天。
Albert Riera is ready to stay at Liverpool now Rafa Benitez has left the club.
在拉法离开之后, 里埃拉准备继续留在利物浦。
On the following day after their arrival, they to stay at the hotel by a storm.
Eelcome leaders, friends and celebrity of all levels to stay at Tengzhou Hotel.
I generally stay at home in the evening and am not at home on Saturday evening.
The king said, 'stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back.
告诉他们说, 可以住在耶利哥, 等到胡须长起再回来。
I am going to stay at home after my graduation so as not to be bothered by work.
毕业了我准备在家休息, 不受工作之累。
After retirement, grandpa and grandma stay at home and look after their grandson.
爷爷奶奶退休以后, 就在家里看养孙子了。
There was a snow storm and,under the circumstances, they decided to stay at home.
Chilly spring When blizzard comes in winter, we can only stay at home all day long.
He had to stay at home but turned it to his advantage by catching up on his reading.
The chances are that rates will continue to stay at 4.5 % for the coming few months.
I am much obliged to your husband for his politeness in asking me to stay at Court Leys.
Today the Chau family celebrates the 24th anniversary of our stay at Villa Paloma, Taipo.
We were watching the waves roll in and out and we wished we could stay at the beach forever.
During my stay at the Ashram, there were never more than a few hundred residents at any time.
With the comfortable Mediterranean climate a stay at a cliffside hotel is bound to be unforgettable.
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