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单词 stay at 例句大全,用单词stay at造句:

Did you stay at home or go travelling at Spring Festival?
He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.
His eldder son is at school, the other one is stay at home.
You stay at the railway station while I go to but some food.
Which would you rather do, go to the cinema or stay at home?
Are you telling me that you plan to stay at this cafe for life
Would you prefer to stay at a hotel or camp while on vacation?
Well, all shops are closed and everyone seems to stay at home.
所有商店都关门了, 每个人似乎都待在家里。
I can assure you that as long as you stay at home, you're safe.
People traveling by automobile often prefer to stay at a motel.
I have to stay at home because I am up to my ears in cake baking.
No, I want to stay at home. There's a basketball game on tonight.
I was a little on the blink yesterday and decided to stay at home.
我昨天身体有点儿不舒服, 所以呆在家里没出门。
Old Peter retired recently but he just cannot bear to stay at home.
老彼得最近退休了, 待在家里他受不了。
She is ill and so lonely to stay at the shell bed for all day long.
她病了, 整天躺在一张贝壳床上, 寂寞极了。
Anne preferred to stay at the dormitory rather than go out with them.
We plan to stay at two different camping site and explore from there.
We can go to the cinema or stay at home watching TV. what's it to be?
我们可以去电影院, 也可以呆在家看电视。你挑哪个?
I am a bit frustrated because I have said I want to stay at the club.
He was in poor health, can often stay at home to chemistry experiment.
I don't think Blackie can have enjoyed his stay at that place very much.
I am glad to hear that you are coming to China and will stay at my home.
But women stay at home, alone with their grief and there is distract it.
但女人是呆在家里的, 面对着愁伤无法分心。
Stay at ease under all circumstances, and give whenever conditions allow.
随遇而安, 随缘奉献。
The danger was over, it would ease Bertha to stay at home and cry it out.
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