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单词 start off 例句大全,用单词start off造句:

At a restaurant that serves Cantonese dishes, we usually start off with soup.
It has been an activist presidency, which has got us off to an excellent start.
I pull the bow at the back of my apron and start shrugging it off my shoulders.
但我做的。我拉在我的围裙, 开始背弓耸耸肩它把我的肩膀。
As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decreases.
Once you have that daily plan, get to it and start checking them off one by one.
To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now.
It only takes one dog incubating an infectious disease to start off an epidemic.
The extra injection of cash meant that the new venture got off to a flying start.
Enemy fire is too intense; all reserve forces get ready to start off immediately.
The kids are put off learning by all the quizs. Some even start to bunk off school.
The28th Olympic Games got off to a flying start after a spectacular opening ceremony.
Check before filling tank and start, turn off operation and check during the operation.
Annie s date didn t get off to a good start. Roger cameto the restaurant 45 minutes late.
We would like to start you off at3,000 yuan a month, not including bonus and overtime pay.
At the start of a football match the referee tosses up to decide which team will kick off.
在足球比赛时, 裁判员掷钱币决定哪一队开球。
We would like to start you off at 1,500 yuan a month, not including bonus and overtime pay.
Our team got off to a poor start but eventually carried the day and won by two clear goals.
Red shrugs off his jacket and picks up a sander. Together, they start sanding the hull as we.
The new paint wont adhere to the walls so Ill have to strip it all off and start from scratch.
Get a head start on spring run off by clearing gutters and down spouts of excess snow and ice.
Start off fairly straight then turn left to the green, a giant bunker lies infront of the green.
球道颇直, 临尾转左去果岭, 前面有个巨型沙池。
When you start the process of getting plants acclimated to the outside enviroment it is called hardening off.
Start off by sliding your tongue along the vulva to the clitoris and along the borders of your lovers vagina.
从她的私处开始你的舌头要游走在豆豆, 洞洞周边。
Start off in spooning position, then slide one leg forward in front of you giving him access to your girly parts.
The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be.
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单词 start off 释义

  • 单词释义:开始旅行;以…开始;迅速跑开;出发  [更多..]



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