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单词 Yuan Can 例句大全,用单词Yuan Can造句:

If the cost the trip is no more than 1000 yuan, you can count me in.
They can also sold the coal to factor at the well at 10 yuan per basket.
did not violate earning, can be in 48 thousand yuan of the following amerce.
To be frank with you, 240 yuan per set can barely cover our production cost.
From matters in and art history, we can give a fair evaluation of Yuan Drama.
而从文艺发展史观看问题, 就能给元杂剧以公正得评价。
At a disco in guangzhou, they charge you 20 yuan for a can of SUN kist juice.
Female for beauty not valuation case, so bottle of cosmetic can sell 4000 yuan.
I wonder how much interest I can earn from a time deposit of ten thousand Yuan.
I can reissue a new bankbook for you, but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges.
我再为您补办一个新存折, 您需要交10元手续费。
Thank you. I will wrap it up for you. You can pay at the front counter. Its 498 yuan.
I've got no change. Here is 100-Yuan note, can you give me small change for it please?
Zhuhai Department can produce various types of muffler, catalytic converters three yuan.
She bought a tractor for transportation business and can earn nearly 10, 000 yuan a year.
她买了一辆拖拉机跑运输, 年收入近万元。
Guanhanqing can be called the leading figure of the theatrical circles of the Yuan Dynasty.
Can the pluralistic business that Yong Yuan chooses bring the prospective earnings to company?
This basket of pears is probably 300 jin in weight; I guess that they can be sold for 500 yuan.
Can the pluralistic business that Yong Yuan chooses bring the prospective earnings to company ?
But inositol yuan can generate by dextrose only, and cannot decompose directly for blood sugar.
Can examine to what disease accuses center or3 armour hospital division. About hundreds of yuan.
But the flaws and insufficiency of Central Government School of Yuan Dynasty can not be ignored.
Store of general lamps and lanterns marks a price 1500 yuan droplight, 850 yuan can clinch a deal.
一般的灯具店标价1500元的吊灯, 850元就能成交。
Regarding salary, I leave that to you but feel certain that I can earn at least 3500 yuan per month.
The cassia bark that has machined can sell 210 yuan commonly 100 jins, laurel is oily 600 yuan ton.
Regarding salary, I leave that to you but feel certain that can earn at least RMB 4,000 yuan Per month.
And mark a price surf massages 5800 yuan homebred Yakeli bath crock, actually can be bought 2800 yuan etc.
而标价5800元的国产亚克力冲浪按摩浴缸, 实则2800元即可买到等。
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