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单词 Yuan Shu 例句大全,用单词Yuan Shu造句:

Bi Yuan Shu Oral liquid manifests good entirety effect.
Pei Shu, soft words of, Yuan following the room. Write a poem.
裴淑, 字柔之, 元稹继室。诗一首。
Yuan Shu Epitaph of the precious value in the art of calligraphy.
First Year Scholars yuan and registered the first, for the Crown Prince Liao Shu.
元和元年登进士第, 为皇太子僚属。
Acupoint Taixi is the Shu Stream point and Yuan Primary point of kidney meridian.
太溪穴为足少阴肾经的输穴, 原穴。
Qiu Que Zhai Du Shu Lu analyzed52 poems of Yuan Jis Poetry about Reciting Feelings.
At Cao Caos instruction, Liu Bei was about to set off for a punitive expedition against Yuan Shu. before he left, Liu Bei worried about the defence of Xuzhou City.
曹操命刘备伐袁术, 刘备临行时为由谁留守徐州拿不定主意。
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