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单词 Tedü 例句大全,用单词Tedü造句:

We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.
Aww, Ted thats so sweet. So you chickened out like the little bitch.
泰德, 你太贴心了。所以你就像小女人一样退缩了。
Ted suddenly knew that Teak took some of his own food to his friend!
Anyway, to cut a long story short, he said, We have to do a TED Talk.
Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.
I can't possibly afford to buy a camera like Ted's. It costs the earth.
Horrified, Ted now wished he'd taken Spotty's earlier appeals seriously.
特德大为震惊, 后悔当初没有认真对待斯波蒂得求助。
TED is the ultimate brain spa soothing diverse audience's mind and soul.
是观众梳理心灵, 畅通精神的终极温疗所。
Ted was lazy and stubborn and his lessons had to be beaten into his head.
The Kennedy family ethos compelled young Ted to run for president, too.
I'm going to take Ted aside and tell him why I lead a strictly moral life.
我要跟特德单独谈谈, 告诉他我为什么要守身如玉。
Around him was some dog food which Ted knew was the food Teak ate at home.
在他周围有一些狗粮, 特德知道这是迪克在家吃的。
I thought the two men were going to fight, but Ted eventually backed down.
我以为这两个人会打起来, 但是泰德最终让步了。
Bob was angry with Ted and Ted added fuel to the flame by laughing at him.
Two unemployed men, Len and Ted, were sitting in a restaurant drinking tea.
两个失业的人, 兰恩和泰德, 坐在一家茶馆喝茶。
Ted I converted this barn into a squash court when I first bought the place.
泰德我刚买下这地方的时候, 就把谷仓改建成了壁球馆。
Ted, the budget cut in your department is no reflection on your performance.
After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted dry cleaner and the grocery store.
放学后, 我接了尼克和特德, 然后去干洗店和食品店。
More people have died driving with Ted Kennedy than hunting with Dick Cheney.
Ted knows all about servicing cars but he cant seem to get it across to others.
特德完全熟悉汽车维修业务, 可是他似乎不能使别人听懂。
The villi, crypts, goblet cells and endocrine cells were presen ted during 7th week.
Cherry and Ted were unhappily married, but each had determined to make the best of a bad job.
Last week doctors in Massachusetts announced that Seined Senator Tidy Ted Kennedy has brain cancer.
After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of the dry cleaner and the grocery store.
The Loveland post office first adopted Cupid one frosty morning in 1947, when Ted Thompson, a motel owner, went to pick up his mail.

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