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单词 open up 例句大全,用单词open up造句:

This process will certainly open up broad prospects for theoretical innovation.
To Open up Innovation, and to Accelerate the Creation of High Risk Area for Cancer
The commune members decided to open up the stretch of wasteland south of the village.
When I finally got to the store there was a bunch of people waiting for me to open up.
Before you have Vampiric Touch, open up with Mind Blast and use Mind Flay more instead.
在学习吸血鬼之触以前, 用心爆开怪, 多刷几次鞭笞。
Allowance for depreciation of fixed assets is a new field to open up in our future work.
If you are inquisitive and capable of reasoning, my answers will open up more questions.
Open up a significant increase in stock, accounted for more than 80 per cent at present.
Then, we were setting up the match to control the tempo and force Cagliari to open up more.
The very progress of the Asian giants will open up many new opportunities for these countries.
The villagers used advanced instruments to open up wasteland, and have achieved notable results.
村民们利用先进设备拓垦荒地, 成绩显著。
To Open Up the Cave Tunnel Boring Cause of the Accident Analysis and Prevention and Control Measures
Making great efforts to open up a new prospect for water conservancy management in Huaihe River Basin
To Pull Together in Times of Trouble To Open Up a New Prospect on Spiritual Civilization Construction
When you open up the package, you instantly see the Cocoon hanging down from a branch ready to hatch.
This gave them the confidence to open up their wallets to help augment the governments bailout program.
这让他们有信心打开腰包, 参与到政府的救助项目中来。
To Reform and Innovate, to Open up and Develop, to Strengthen Management and Advanced along with the Times
Therefore, the solitude drift on water also reared several cents to open up another the river path of brilliant.
因此, 漂泊的孤独也就显露出了几分另辟溪径的高明。
And if they dont, doctors could use a continuous positive airway pressure device to help open up the miners airways.
如果不行, 医生可以气道正压仪器来帮助矿工扩充气道。
Minority difficult farmer households have the possibility to appear duplicate ploughs or to newly open up wasteland.
To develop positively, to be bent on creative, to make great efforts to open up the new situation of vocational education
Blocked pores that open up very deep in the skin can cause infected cysts that are bigger than pimples and can be painful.
To go forward with the times, to be open up and blazing new trails, to promote the development of vocational and adult education of the capital
On the Essential Element of Station Troops to Open up Wasteland Defends the Border Economic Model about Production and Construction Corps in Xinjiang
Inheriting the previous successes, open up the future and all progress with time, promoting varieties examining and approving work go up to a new bench again
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单词 open up 释义

  • 单词释义:开门;可得到;开业;张开;(使)出现  [更多..]



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