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单词 open up 例句大全,用单词open up造句:

Open up the paint fashion of new tech by attic faith and drive.
Dont be silly. They just take a while to open up to new people.
If the agreement is to succeed, the EU must open up its markets.
Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account?
Open up to the ways you made me feel alive, the ways I loved you.
To channel the flow of goods, open up the Division I is the goal.
They'd just begun to light up a little bit, open up a little bit.
And open up The ways you made me feel alive, The ways I loved you.
Out of the blue, Jack decided to open up a business in the town.
Now, open up your heart to bathe each of these experiences in love.
现在, 打开你的心, 用爱去洗涤每一件经历。
The finding may open up an avenue of drug discovery for the disease.
Browser Extensions can open up a specific web page or run a program.
The archaeologist has to get special permission to open up the grave.
This period for column of this open up, publish below a few articles.
本期为此开辟专栏, 发表下面几篇文章。
The young man was asked to open up the boot of the car by the police.
Knowing your past, do I assume youre suggesting we open up a cabaret
This weeks spy scandal will open up a temporary rift across the Atlantic.
At the moment, in the league we arent able to open up the closed defence.
如今, 在联赛中我们不再会是保守的防守了。
Taiwan also expressed a willingness to open up, albeit still with a quota.
台湾方面同样表达了开放的意愿, 尽管依然有名额限制问题。
Where we challenge you to open up your mind to unbelievable possibilities.
Keep Pace With the Times, Open up a New Way and Achieve the Leap Development
Open up the window a little bit more. Close up the window a little bit more.
小一点和大一点, 还真不大懂得表达呢。
By doing so, you will broaden your talents and open up new areas for profits.
Making an effort to smile A smile acceptance, that makes people open up to you.
笑一笑好微笑受人欢迎, 使对方向你敞开心扉。
He suggested we open up a sushi restaurant together in Anchorage, and I agreed.
他建议我们在安克雷奇也开一家寿司店, 我同意了。
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单词 open up 释义

  • 单词释义:开门;可得到;开业;张开;(使)出现  [更多..]



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