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单词 look at 例句大全,用单词look at造句:

Endeavor to change the way you look at things.Always look at the bright side.
Look at your notes, but don't read them. Smile at the camera.OK.Try something.
Just look at the airs she's giving herself, looking down her nose at everybody.
With all this knowledge at hand, look at it in a practical application context.
Ghana taught me to look at people differently and to look at myself differently.
加纳告诉了我 用不一样的视角看人 看自己
He did not look at me. He put the flower on the picture and looked at it carefully.
他不看我, 他把那束花放在那张照片上, 仔细地看着。
but now, Im nothing but a goddamn cripple, a legless freak! Look. Look! Look at me!
So I think this picture makes sense if you look at it a few billion years at a time.
我想这幅图合理了 如果你一次从几十亿年来看。
The way that you look at this data is, first, look around the outside of the circle.
浏览数据的方法是 先观察圆圈外围
You can look at the original handwritten manuscripts here at the Library of Congress.
Take a look at the recommendation criteria at the schools to which you intend to apply.
Look at the small cricket here, there, take a look at, very curious jumping back and forth.
Red arrives at the Brewster, three stories high and even less to look at than it used to be.
An Tifu said yesterday that at present will look at next year hopeful national carrying out.
安体富昨日称, 目前来看明年有望全国推行。
Look at the sky at least once a day, appreciating the majesty of the world that surrounds us.
每天至少朝天空看一次, 以领略我们周围世界的宏伟。
Let's look just to begin with, if you brought your books let's look at the cover of this book.
Can you see the difference Christ makes as we, as Christians, look at death as well as at life?
你明白基督使我们作基督徒之后, 对生死的看法有何不同吗?
Look at the confrontation is willing to agitation, look beautiful and moving burst masculinity.
愿意看那激越的对抗, 看那美丽而动人的阳刚之气的迸发。
If you look at most buildings, what you look at is the building, the facade, and it is the building.
如果你看看周围的建筑 你看到的事建筑的外观
Arbitrarily, penetrate drawing off exploding of clothes laughing at consequence, do not look at regret!
乱穿衣服引出的爆笑后果, 不看后悔!
and then you look at how much water input was put into them, and then you look at what the farmer was paid.
Look at these eyes they never seen what matters. Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered., Hoo. Ooh.
Looking at 28 billion per year, we look at our two largest suppliers, Saudi Arabia, and now Canada, with its dirty oil.
Now, a root cause analysis, in healthcare, usually says, well, let's look at your genes, let's look at how you're behaving.
Huang Tu walks to take a look at the bowl, and she can easily find that there's a sticker at the bottom of the bowl, with several characters on it.
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  • 单词释义:查看;思考;考虑;研究  [更多..]



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