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单词 look at 例句大全,用单词look at造句:

At this site you can have a quick look at weather information.
How did Mrs. Lin look at Mr. Lin ?She looked at Mr. Lin coldly.
Look at it this way, it's most likely not gonna happen at Bingo!
First of all, look at the shape, it's just wonderful to look at.
先看看它的形状 那是多么美
But look at you. You had at least a bottle, And you'd never know.
但瞧瞧你,你至少喝了一瓶了 还像个没事人。
I want to look at the blood vessels. I want to look at the liver.
Well let's take a look. Let's take a look at the Great Depression.
If I can I want to look at you stand behind him look funny frolic.
Place, and look at your accounts online at least once or twice a week.
When I look at God's creation, I marvel at his wonderful architecture.
When counterparts are speaking, look at them, not at their translator.
Look at this white crane, and also these flowers; they look very real.
Look at this guy, she thought, amused, looking at his blank expression.
这家伙, 不认识啦。她望着他怔怔得神情, 好笑地想。
Keep your eyes closed at first, and then open your eyes and look at me.
开始先闭着眼, 然后睁开眼看着我。
You might look at team differently, but they stil look at you the same!
Look at that house. That is my home standing at the top of the mountain.
瞧, 那就是我得家, 座落在山顶上。
You take a look at that police report on a burglary at the sanders'house
I'm sorry. If you're getting queasy, look away, don't look at the thing.
So you can look at that piece, but you can look at the other pieces too.
所以你看這件是這樣 別件也是如此
I'm short sighted. I look at the signs at the end, I can hardly see them.
Alma took one look at the Applewhite house, and bam, love at first sight.
At the same time can look at the Central Avenue the day and night scenery.
Endeavor to change the way you look at thing.Always look at the bright side.
It would be useful at this point to look at some definitions of depreciation.
The way you look at it seems to be quite different from the way I look at it.
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单词 look at 释义

  • 单词释义:查看;思考;考虑;研究  [更多..]



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