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单词 long cloth 例句大全,用单词long cloth造句:

long fibre glass cloth
This cloth washes well and lasts long.
The cloth washes easily and lasts long.
Why do you have aureate long hair woollen cloth?
long strip of cloth for decoration or advertising.
This table cloth is not nearly long for this table.
I need a lot of cloth if Im going to make a long dress.
我如果做一件长礼服, 需要很多料子。
Sally began to lay the cloth on the long Spanish table.
The oil mark will never sponge out, its been on the cloth so long.
这油迹在布上太久, 擦不掉了。
A long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening.
As long as the soft cloth to wipe, slowly with toothpaste and can remove.
Pl. Scarfs A long piece of cloth worn about the head, neck, or shoulders.
围巾围在头部, 颈部或肩膀的一块长布。
a large cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period.
It is not easy to dry erase the content kept for long time. Please wipe it with damp cloth.
长时间保留的书写内容将不易干擦, 可以用湿布擦拭
Vertical and horizontal world, the vehicle shadow of the world has long cloth every corner.
The more developed technology of dyeing, indigo old cloth, long decent color, elegant appearance.
He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim, and a long coat of coarse cloth, buttoned to the chin.
他经常戴一顶宽边帽, 穿一身粗呢长礼服, 一直扣到颔下。
His coat was of light weight cloth with voluminous revers, a long swallow tail and large steel buttons.
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