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单词 Long Eye 例句大全,用单词Long Eye造句:

How long do I need to apply eye drops ?
I've had my eye on him for a long time.
See computer for long affect eye eyesight to drop
Long focal depth characteristics of the peacock eye zone plate
Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism.
We have long enough turned a blind eye to his negligence of his duties.
长期以来, 我们对他玩忽职守的行为熟视无睹。
Use eyedrop for a long time, can you let an eye deepen myopia no longer
长期使用眼药水, 能让眼睛不再加深近视吗
The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history.
Remember eye end a long false eyelashes restore young effect is the best.
I learned a long time ago, Reuven, that a blink an eye in itself is nothing.
我早就意识到, 眨一次眼没有什么, 但是眼睛却非常重要。
Before long, each organs the body experienced the harm that fart eye strike.
不久, 身体的各个器官都感受到了屁眼罢工的危害。
A long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread.
Focusing on a computer screen for too long can lead to dry eyes and eye fatigue.
Barely sit down come, side have MM long get return ok, at once more take aim more eye
Just, that kid, Moncler Manteau Femme, dont kas long as you still want to see one eye
只是, 那个孩子, 不知你还要不要去看一眼?
She has turned a blind eye to his actions as long as she could, but she can't take it anymore.
Be in with forceps eye end is stickup the false eyelash of half type, build natural long eyelash.
Sole accept gives flower of crossed grain, peppery eye, sesame seed, double Long Qiangzhu Feng Chaoyang.
鞋底纳出十字纹 胡椒眼,芝麻花,双龙抢珠凤朝阳。
People with fishtail lines, protruding pouches, or dark eye sockets and people often stay up late in a long period.
Its been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as hes dealing with eye problems at the moment.
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