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单词 Living Up 例句大全,用单词Living Up造句:

He got fed up of living out of a suitcase and left his job as a sales rep.
A life worth living should be made up of continuous efforts and progresses.
The great poets still living can be reckoned up on the fingers of one hand.
He gave up favourable living conditions to teach where conditions were hard.
Living in Bondi Beach, I signed up with the Bondi Running And Triathlon Club.
She's 10 years old there, she was living as a girl but she was being beaten up.
那时她十二岁 以女孩的身分过活 但一直受到毒打
She had been living a reclusive life in Los Angeles since her marriage broke up.
These numbers are not driven solely by young women living it up on spring break.
They developing tools to light up and see individual proteins inside living cells.
Ever since he inherited his parent's estate, he has been living it up in the city.
自从继承了父母得房产后, 他就在城里挥金如土。
Ever since he inherited his parent's estate,he has been living it up in the city.
Sometimes they mock Mr Obama for not quite living up to their colossal expectations.
Appreciate Bad bottom living Stir up a class of staff a work enthusiasm Coagulate dint.
The ultimate goal for the Champion Tree Project is to set up a living library of trees.
Living up to our mission, First Ferry and First Ferry believe in perpetual improvement.
Some universities require that all students living in a dormitory sign up for a meal plan.
The living beings wake up in the spring morning, is showing the life is valuable, captivating.
Since he was living in Holland she decided to pack up her family and take a European vacation.
If you give a child everything he wants, he will grow up believing the world owes him a living.
Effects comparison and analysis of collecting ovum in living body in grow up cow and youth cow.
A father, who is working hardly as an ironsmith, brings up his son under the hardship of living.
I had a gardener come to tidy up the little garden surrounding the terrace outside the living room.
Up and Down of Cemoinling Living Buddhas and the Tibetan Regent System in Middle and Late Qing Dynasty
on the coastal plain find their way, get up into the mountains and threaten those living in the mountains.
可以通过这里 登上山脉,威胁到山里的居民
In the19th century, the term cowboy came to mean one who earned his living by rounding up and herding cows.
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