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单词 liquidated 例句大全,用单词liquidated造句:

Since the Roman law has been liquidated by the national legislation system was widely adopted.
自罗马法以来, 违约金制度就被各国立法所普遍采纳。
If the company was liquidated and its assets exceeded its debts, taxpayers would be on the hook.
如果公司清算, 其资产超过了其债务, 纳税人将在钩。
When a TIC ceases operation, the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated.
On accession to the throne, he liquidated his opponents ruthlessly and installed friends in key posts.
Lee's lawyers said the meantime, the developer paid the two proceedings before the liquidated damages.
李女士的律师称, 其间, 开发商支付了前两次诉讼的违约金。
The liquidated poperties should be distributed according to the ratio of investment made by Party A and Party B.
The payment of liquidated damages shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed Contract Equipment.

单词 liquidated 释义

  • 单词释义:清算( liquidate的过去式和过去分词 );清除(某人);清偿;变卖  [更多..]



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