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单词 liquid case 例句大全,用单词liquid case造句:

Liquid Forging for Cup of Brass Cartridge Case.
Prime the pump if the case does not contain liquid.
如果壳体中没有液体, 则要向泵加注液体。
In the case of cyst we released the liquid and then boil off the wall of the cyst.
Of course, in the case of the ideal liquid mixture, there's no energetic interaction.
In case of high alloy steel or nonferrous materials, liquid penetrate method can be substituted.
在使用高合金钢或无铁材料时, 可用渗透探伤进行检测。
In the case of liquid hydrogen, the atmosphere should be monitored with a flammable gas detector.
A case study of droplet spectra and liquid water content measurements in aircraft icing environments
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