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单词 keep down 例句大全,用单词keep down造句:

I could hardly keep my temper down when I saw the boys treating my dog badly.
These tablet is to keep the fever down. His fever was allayed by the medicine.
If you want good crops of flowers and vegetables you must keep the weeds down.
The rather oilier cloak does keep down the little dander, though not all of it.
虽然拉拉毛上的油对一些皮屑有所控制, 但是, 并不是全部的。
We should keep cracking down on criminals, arresting them whenever they surface.
You'd better just tack down the edge of the carpet, people keep tripping over it.
你最好把地毯边钉住, 人们老在上面绊脚。
Keep a pad by your bed to jot down that vexing problem that jolts you awake at 2 A.
Second, they want to keep the value of their currencies down to help their exports.
The child doesnt seem to be able to keep anything down. Everything it eats comes up.
The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and alcohol altogether.
减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物, 并彻底戒酒。
When we reach the footbridge over the canal, keep down or you'll bang your head on it!
He pushed some old newspapers down the legs of trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
He rammed some old newspapers down the legs of trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
During the flood season, the Poyang Lake helps keep down floods on the Changjiang River.
在汛期, 都阳湖有助于制止长江泛滥成灾。
My secretary's quite unflappable and would keep working even if the office was burning down!
我的秘书非常临危不乱, 即使办公室著火了也会继续工作。
Derrick No. They always want to keep the cost down. I am really overwhelmed with a heavy workload.
The tramp stuffed some old newspapers down the legs of the trousers to keep warm in the bitter wind.
Ahrons says a separation, while painful, can help keep the anger down and give a couple time to think.
This land chart and census register has been handed down from our ancestors, so you should keep it safe.
Monica pulls down the shades in her bedroom every night to keep the sun from waking her up in the morning.
In order to keep your insurance rates down, it is important to keep your driving record as clean as possible.
According to Tibetan Buddhism, treasure bottle could keep down demons, protect from disasters and bring the safety.
Strengthening the currency management is the fundamental countermeasure to keep down the crimes in the economic activities
When some guy hurt you, keep calm and tell yourself that he might go down on all fours to beg me sometime, and Ill give a could shoulder.
他们向她恳求, 为了看带子他们什么条件都答应。
These guys at this bar must be really desperate and have no game. They keep going to different tables to hit on girls, but they keep getting shut down lol.
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单词 keep down 释义

  • 单词释义:控制;使不升起;使留级;吞下药物  [更多..]



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