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单词 keep off 例句大全,用单词keep off造句:

Although the weather is hot, actually difficult to keep off customer's enthusiasm.
The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me.
有几个仆人对我很无礼, 要他们的手不碰我是很难的。
Painter Goodness, sir. Keep you finger off the canvas! Dont you see it is still wet
画家老天, 别碰画布。你看不见吗, 还没干呢。
I keep trying to shake off the aftereffects of writing this book, and I find I cant.
我一直试着摆脱写这本书的副作用, 但有心无力。
The Litter Bug set off for London to help promote the Keep Westminster Clean Campaign
This CAT has seriously Psychopathy, KEEP OFF unless you are a Psychopathy Specialist.
The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and alcohol altogether.
减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物, 并彻底戒酒。
Makes up when the stage, Ambrose shoots to keep off once more by opposite party guard.
The International Maritime Bureau advises ships to keep 200 nautical miles off Somalia.
Keep to the paper Lou threw Zhiqiu, and the wind is difficult to hit off. Ah, refueling!
Please keep your seat belts fastened until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
We keep part of the commandment and never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.
只遵从戒律, 永远不会飞得足够高, 使尾巴远离地面。
I hope the rain will keep off half an hour or so, for I have forgotten to bring an umbrella.
Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has been turned off.
A bid to keep the sextet of countries involved in the talks from backing off tougher sanctions
Checking whether the package by the moistureproor plastic film is sure to keep off the oxygen.
Keep an eye on the milk while you are preparing your lunch. Turn the gas off the moment it boils.
Keep the tail stock up until the last minute to prevent the bowl from pulling off the vacuum chuck.
It will probably get you off the hook for a few days or months or keep the problem on the back burner.
This will help keep it from being pinched by the rim, tire bead, or tire lever, when you finish it off.
When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often tumble off, but this teaches you how to keep you balance.
学骑车常会摔倒, 可这能教会你如何保持平衡。
Keep off fame and wealth crave not external attractions. Always see life as a candle flickering in the wind.
The first thing I made of these was a great cap.for my head, with the hair on the out side to keep off the rain
When he is taken off to the police station for questioning by the fascists once again, he makes funny faces at his son to keep him amused.
This method can keep the cement from running off, lessen the operation of clearing water chamber and improve the quality of filling materials.
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单词 keep off 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)不接近;禁食;(雨、雪等)没有下;避开某一话题  [更多..]



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