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单词 in spirit 例句大全,用单词in spirit造句:

Nation the encouragement is personal to be in the light of the voluntary spirit alms cultural object.
The sorcery evil spirit behind necrosis also worked well preparation in chief executive officers adult!
And the whole spirit and attitude in those schools is very different than in the normal public schools.
而且这些学校里的教学氛围 和普通的公立学校大不相同
The ethics spirit in this kind of mode is the motivation and support by which the advanced villages form.
As I see, the Aloha spirit is a kind of spirit to help, to take care of, to smile to anyone in the world.
In the happy at the end of the train, my spirit is much more abundant harvest than the harvested material.
在快乐的末班车上, 我的精神收获比物质收获丰厚得多。
The aspect makes the modification slightly in the ghost evil spirIt'snake's foundation, has adjusted size.
方面在煞魔蛇的基础上稍作改动, 调整了的大小。
The Classic Humanitarian Spirit in the Life of Garrison Troops in the Border Areas during the Han Dynasty.
The spirit of being diligent, rigorous, realistic and creative in studies is being energetically advocated.
The second step was in the house of Cornelius, when the Gentile believers were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
When our spirit andactions are in harmony; when our heartandthoughts are in accord, that is deep meditation.
On the Limitation of Being Alike in Appearance and the Possibility of being Similar in Spirit in Translation
Employers and employees should deal with this matter in the spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation.
Cultivation Model Research of Top Talents with Spirit of Innovation in Agricultural and Forestry Universities
Study on Diligent Spirit and Academic Achievements of Famous Collectors of Books in Ancient Times of Our Country
Carry Forward Spirit Practiced in the Construction of Red Flag Canal for Hydropower Development in Henan Province
Devoting ourselves to the practice of Three Represents and trying hard to raise accomplishment in the Party spirit
I was deeply moved by their scrupulous spirit about every detail and keeping on improving in their academic pursuit.
The infinity of the objects in divination gave birth to the belief in supreme spirit and the consciousness of religion.
Genghis Khan's remains were buried in a numinous place obscurely but the sacrifice for his spirit is in state and openly.
and if your spirit cannot compass the Lord Jesus in the grasp of understanding, let it embrace him in the arms of affection.
The Historical Experience for the Air Force of the Chinses Volunteers to Develop Combat Spirit in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea
Yes, the spritis are talking to me. Oh yes, they are coming in clearly. Ah another. I can acutely see them now. The spirit are very powerful today.
A nail has two advantages: the strong power in pressing and drilling. We should advocate the spirit of a nail in our study to be good at going deeper into knowledge.
In the old people's activity room, some are refreshing their spirit with closed eyes while others are talking about things that happened in both ancient and modern times.
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单词 in spirit 释义

  • 单词释义:精神上,心灵上  [更多..]



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